On St. Patrick's Day, we take a moment to remember Lawrence Patrick La Cornu, also known as "Irish Pat," who had a deep connection with the Quapaw Nation.

Despite being born in Ireland, "Irish Pat" made his way to the United States as a young man and eventually settled in northern Ottawa County, where he found a home among the Quapaw people. For many years he lived with the Quapaw people, who treated him as one of their own. The Quapaw Tribe bestowed upon him the highest honor by burying him in Griffin Cemetery with full Quapaw rites, including the traditional high noon feast.
"Irish Pat's" connection to the Quapaw Tribe is a testament to the deep relationships that can form between people from different cultures and backgrounds. His willingness to embrace and learn from the Quapaw people, their way of life, and their acceptance of him as a member of their community, is a beautiful example of cultural exchange and mutual respect.
Let us also remember the legacy of "Irish Pat" and the many ways in which people from all over the world can come together and form strong bonds of friendship and understanding.