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Quapaw Nation's Fight Against Domestic Violence

In the United States, domestic violence is a pervasive issue, with tribal nations experiencing even higher rates. Native women, in particular, are twice as likely to endure various forms of abuse. Recognizing the urgency to combat this crisis, the Quapaw Nation Family Services Domestic Violence Program has made commendable progress. Their Domestic Violence Unit (DVU) collaborates closely with the Quapaw Marshals, Courts, and other departments within the Family Services Department. Together, they tackle domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. Through their dedicated efforts, the Quapaw Nation aims to provide safety, support, and justice for those affected, paving the way for a brighter, violence-free future.

These progress photos serve as a testament to the transformative power of collaboration, education, and support. As the project continues to evolve, the Quapaw Nation remains steadfast in their mission to provide safety, healing, and justice for all those affected by domestic violence.


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